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Rabu, Maret 11, 2009

The existence of planet X (Nibiru) and the influence of the Earth

Many of the new planet be discussed in the virtual world and some books (I have many dibredel) finally truly have!

TEAM scientists Kobe University, Japan, found a new planet that mengorbit on the system outside the solar system where Earth is located.

Have been many previous saintis would predict the existence of the planet and the resultant disaster of this planet. Period meet some of this planet earth once during the year 3600 (exactly 3661 years). And during each period is recorded as a result grafitasi on this planet bencana2 big going to destroy the earth even peradaban2 large.

The year 1650 BC there keruntuhan2 peradaban2 large simultaneously dibarengi emergence of new dg tiba2 also!

* The fall of ancient Egypt, Middle Kingdom,
* Time of darkness occurred Mesopotamia,
* The emergence of labor Hittie tiba2 in Anatolia,
* Failure Harrapan in India,
* Failure Minoan civilization,
* Tiba2 emergence of Olmec civilization,
* Failure Xia Dynasty in China

.. all occurred in 1650 BC.

Period is still running, back to the previously noted:

* Around 3150 BC - the occurrence of the flood (after a disaster is ancient history peradaban2 start)
* Around 5310 BC - tiba2 climate cooling effect during the period of Holocene
* Around 8900 BC - The global and polar melting and penetrating tiba2 during the interglacial period
* Approximately 12,600 BC - earth polar shift or polar shift .. the effects of fossil mengerkan views mamoth do with frozen food tiba2 still have diperut not terproses I also terawetkan

All around the year 3661 ... once!

Estimated arrival time of this planet again in the year 2012

Arrival of this planet's exact year in which the world's most accurate calendar Tzolkin Maya nations also ended the year 2012, precisely 21 December 2012.

Maya calendar of the nation known to use than a matter of months and they also take the sun calculation of the planet Venus in pengkalenderan day. Cause the calculation accuracy Maya calendar of the nation in the past than the accuracy of the present calendar (Christian and Hijriyah). Believed by many experts of the nation Maya astronomy have at least the same or even more than the people at this time. Unlike the current calendar Tzolkin calendar has a start and end.

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