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Rabu, Maret 11, 2009

Solar system rebound, dinosaurs also Extinct

Earth moving massanya encircle the center which is located near the Sun. And Sun together with the entire system is also moving Tata Surya beset central galaxy. Movement of sun in the Milky Way, regularly send the comet appeared to slide into the interior of the Tata Surya. As a result, going large-scale collision that destroy life on Earth.

That is the latest research results generated by modeling the latest in Cardiff Center for Astrobiology. In modeling the movement of the simulation is done and found that Surya geraknya appeared to bounce up and down along the field galaxy. When passing through the meeting of the galaxy field, gravutasi style of the area around the cloud of dust and gas giant would change the comet's track. Finally, comet-comet that is tercebur into Tata Surya, and some of them experienced collision with earth.

Estimated, Tata Surya will move through the field galaxy every 35 - 45 million years and increases the likelihood of a collision with a comet. Evidence from craters on the earth also showed that the Earth is suffering in the range of collision 36 million years ago. Thus there can be kesesuain gained from the fact that events in the earth with the results of the modeling for the movement of Surya in the Milky Way.

Period of collision that occurred on Earth also coincided with the occurrence of mass destruction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago. And if we look at the galaxy's position at this time, so at this time we are already quite close to the same period.

If we go back to 65 million years ago, the effect can be the reflection in the galaxy is a nightmare for the dinosaurs, but it turns out that the incident would be the beginning of the distribution of new life. Estimated, the collision-release debris debris containing micro-organisms to the sky and in the entire universe.

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