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Senin, Maret 02, 2009

Three New Same Size Planet Jupiter Found

Since the first found, extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, or a planet outside the solar hot topic is discussed anywhere and become one of the foremost topics in science. This is strengthened when the type of planet Earth is found in the Gliese 581.

This time, 3 exoplanet found by team members Wide Area Search fot Planets (Wasp) and announced in the Extrasolar Planet international conference held in Suzhou, China. Planet-planet has found that Jupiter is a planet seukuran and given the name-3 Wasp, Wasp and Wasp-4-5. Third planet found with the transit method, using super camera in South Africa and the Canary Island of constantly monitor millions of stars in the sky.
The findings to be interesting because this team at this time that this is the only team who found the planet with the method of transit to the northern and southern sky. Wasp and Wasp-4-5 is the first planet found in both South Africa and is also a planet transit light most of the sky in the south. While Wasp-3 found in the sky using a camera SuperWASP North in Canary islands.

The three are all sized planet Jupiter but mengorbit their parent stars in a very close distance. Even a year will be completed less than 2 days. Time there will not go very fast?

Now, with the conditions very close to the parent star, the surface of the planet-the planet will be more than 2000 degrees Celsius, consequences will be very difficult to have life there. But however the discovery of the planet Jupiter bermassa also gave the idea that Earth-sized planet also are waiting to be found, provided that technology is possible.

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