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Senin, Maret 02, 2009

Impact of Global Warming for Human Life

The result of the causes of Human Life
Changes in the Climate System

The atmosphere is a system that is Dynamic, so the observation that data quality and maintenance of Network observation density is very important. Processes that lead to climate change can be analyzed with different time scales, and radiation or net available energy dipermukaan earth is very involved in the process. Basically, the condition of energy dipermukaan divided over 2, the input radiation and the sun and how the components editor components to save the earth, distribute and release the energy.

External causes of climate change Input direct sun radiation; Radiasi play an important role in climate change. Through observation satellite is known that the constant sun at this time to become more varied from the previous. One factor is the cause of black spot sun (Sunspot). The more the number of sunspot radiation output of the sun also rises.
Human activity causes climate change.

Characteristics of climate trends in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

* Global temperature increased 0.6 ° C since the late 19th century
* Heating concentrated in two periods, the years 1910-1945 and 1976-now
* The range of heating 0.2 ° C per decade
* Year of 1900s is a decade terhangat in the last millennium, and 1998 is the year's most warm during this period.
* In connection with changes in temperature, many of glacier melt
* Presipitasi in the mainland increased approximately 2% compared to the last century
* North Europe and North America has been the North mengalamai largest increase presipitasi
* On daeerah Tropical and subtropical trends in climate change is quite small. Although there is a drought in Africa and India in the Rainy Monsunal that last a long time, but not linier pattern found in most tropical regions have increased amount of rainfall.

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